I got, got, got, got no time

Girl Twisting Time Sml WebMany of you will recognize these lyrics from the 1969 tune No Time by The Guess Who. Not having time for coaching is a message that continues to drone on by both managers who should be conducting it and individuals who should be engaging in it. However, we seem to be able to make time for low productivity, employee disengagement, failure to set goals, a lack of innovation…well I could drone on and on too.

The idea of having no time for coaching lingers despite the plethora of books, articles, scientific and case studies available touting the effectiveness of coaching. Nothing is a miracle cure all, but there are two ingredients necessary to facilitate the success of a coaching program, a good coach and the willingness of the person engaging in coaching to be coachable.

More excuses people use to avoid coaching are that they want to wait until they have more time, avert some crisis, or achieve a goal. (Insert scene of me banging my head against a wall here.) Coaching helps you better manage time, be better capable of working through a crisis, and helps you establish and achieve goals faster.

Excuses come from all levels of the organization, from the CEO, the Executive Team, Presidents, Directors, and Managers. One set of Managers who probably crave coaching the most are New Managers, unfortunately many organizations see no value in providing coaching at this level. New Managers are the very foundation of succession planning and building future leaders. Coaching New Managers is a good investment and failing to afford the time, money, and resources here can lead to an empty leadership bench, poor leadership, a lack of innovation… uh oh, I’m droning again.

Speaking of time…ask the questions, “How much time does it take to recover from poor performance, how much time and direction can be lost because of poor leadership, how much time does it take to lose your best customer and then to replace that customer – if ever? So, in the lyrics of a 1991song entitled Show Me the Way by Styx, an answer can be found.

Show me the way, show me the way
Bring me tonight to the mountain
And take my confusion away
And show me the way

What’s the point? The point is that this article is showing you a way, a proven way, to save not only the asset of time, but other resources as well and its name is coaching. Let’s talk.

Thank you for reading this blog. For a no obligation discussion around coaching, call 404-320-7834, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.performstrat.com

Graphic Credit: BigStock.com Copyright: Cristina Bernazzani

Coaching,, Talent Management,